
Skriv några uppmuntrande ord till eleverna på Bättre inlärning!

A young student doing Better learning exercises in the classroom.

BLP campaign // Show your support // SWE

Tack för ditt stöd! Här kan du läsa vad andra har skrivit till våra elever på skolprogrammet Bättre inlärning. Dela gärna med andra.

You are the most resourceful for our common future.

– Camilla

Big hug and lots of love from me to you! Jeg heier på deg!!

– Sølvi H

I want to send support to everyone, who is suffering and going through war. You are strong, brave and worthy. I hope that in the end, everything will be alright and that better things are waiting for you in the future. I wish you only the best, because you deserve it. ❤️

– Anđela

You are loved!!!

– Johanne

Jeg er utrolig lei for at andres feil, stormannsgalskap og manglende evne til å snakke sammen har gjort at du fikk en start på livet ingen fortjener å ha. Jeg skal ikke sitte her og late som at jeg vet hvordan du har det, og jeg skal i hvert fall ikke prøve å finne noe positivt i situasjonen - jeg skal bare skrive at jeg så inderlig ønsker at du selv klarer å finne noe positivt i livet. Jeg håper helhjertet at du får den hjelpen du fortjener, jeg håper du lærer masse, også håper jeg du får verdens beste venner som du kan ha det veldig gøy med. For det det er verdt beklager jeg igjen. Og ønsker deg all verdens lykke til i fremtiden.

– Stine

Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country that has been affected by war in the late 90s. Luckily, I wasn't born back then. I say luckily because I don't know how would I handle that mentally. I believe it takes a strong mind and big heart full of courage to raise above the fears and trauma that war causes. I often say to my parents that I admire how they continued their life after the war. That's why you are so special to me. Each one of you is a true hero and I want you to know that there are people in the world, like me, who care about you and admire your mental strength! I'm sending you loads of love, wishing I could hug you all! You are not alone. I will be praying for you all.

– Vildana

Dear lovelies, Keep smiling and everything gets better.

– Aniruddha

Jeg tenker på dere og ønsker dere alt godt. Selv om ting føles umulig nå kan jeg love at det vil bli bedre. Dere fortjener å ha det livet dere drømmer om sammen med andre dere er glade i. Ikke gi opp, det kommer en tid hvor det blir bedre!


Through the last 11 years, I have suffured the bad circumstances of the Syrian war. I have faced many bad harsh events, but I have never give up. Education is your key for a better future. You have to keep hope inside your pure beautiful hearts. We live for a purpose; to make the world a better place to live in. Eventhough all the obstacles, there is always hope. Life is beautiful. We have undergone many things to learn and to be better. Let's build an amazing world together. Don't fear, just believe in God and yourselves. Don't stop dreaming. Never give up. Much love & support. We are here for each other.

– Fatema

You are amazing, always laugh, smile and play. You deserve happiness.😊💪

– Bahaa